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¡Welcome to MyCamino Jewellery! a family business selling jewellery for life's 'Camino' and offering . .

. . personal jewellery based on the principles of El Camino de Santiago / The Way of St James in Spain, and presents for someone going travelling to wish a safe journey

My family has been in the inspirational jewellery business a while: In 2007 we were in Andalucía, southern Spain, where we witnessed the Indalo - a local symbol said to offer protection and good fortune. We started sourcing and selling Indalo crafts - particularly jewellery and ceramics, along with other Spanish jewellery from that region.

Three years later, in 2010 we were in Santiago de Compostela, Galicia, in the cooler north of Spain - and we added the 'concha' Scallop shell symbol of the Camino de Santiago - the Way of St James, to our growing range of inspirational and meaningful jewellery.

In 2016 we arrived in the UK with all our Spanish things and in 2017 I started this . . . my very own online shopping platform: MyCaminoJewellery . . although still part of the family's jewellery group which continues our mission: to promote jewellery that actually MEANS something.

So this shop mostly features jewellery based the principles of El Camino - the 1,000-year-old Way of St James, regarded by many as a journey of the mind, body and spirit to find inspiration and an improved outlook on life. Much of the jewellery is traditional Camino de Santiago jewellery - in both 925 Sterling Silver and 18ct Gold, hand-crafted by goldsmiths in Galicia and Asturias, northern Spain. In particular, there is a selection of what is called Safe Travel Jewellery for people travelling or to pass on wishes to have a safe journey to a friend or loved-one, as well as wellbeing jewelry for travellers and pilgrims and souvenirs of El Camino de Santiago

Having lived in Spain for over 10 years, I love the many symbols of this largely Christian country - and especially the Scallop Shell and St. James Cross symbols of El Camino de Santiago in Galicia (la Cruz de Santiago - Cross of Saint James, and “La Vieira” Concha Scallop shell - as well as the symbolic Waymarker symbol and the Tau Cross).

So I hope that this Camino Jewellery will inspire and encourage you (and your friends and loved-ones) to achieve your dreams - especially your travel dreams: It’s your journey, with your goals and I hope you find something inspirational here to help you along it :)

My very best wishes,


* If you have any questions, I am more than glad to help you via my Contact page here (I speak English and Spanish).