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Can jewellery promote positivity, optimism and wellbeing along life's camino?

In our  SHOP  we stock a range of jewellery aimed at people wanting to combat any negativity, anxiety or stress in their lives, especially when starting something new or adventurous, and to help promote positivity, optimism and success.

Jewellery for life camino

When it comes to life's journey in general (as opposed to journeying along a specific camino like El Camino de Santiago, for example) jewellery for life is all about finding a piece of jewellery that makes us feel good and encourages us (or our friends / loved-ones) to achieve our goals. And the main thing about the life jewellery in our  SHOP  is that it is intended to inspire us to do just that.

Camino Santiago cross with love Camino de Santiago necklace

Jewellery for life

Jewellery for life is jewellery for positivity, inspiration and optimism and apart from being good for our own personal journey on a day-to-day basis, it also makes an ideal gift to encourage friends and loved-ones to strive for the things they want in life - giving them the incentive to be successful in their objectives and to achieve their goals. It reminds people of their purpose and desires - inspiring them to do their best, no matter what obstacles get in their way.

Jewelry for mental health wellbeing journey travelling  Buen Camino jewellery for life meaning

Nowhere is the feeling of belief and achievability more powerful than amongst the community of walkers (and bikers) who travel “El Camino de Santiago” (the Way of St. James) across Spain every year . . fired up by their dream and the enthusiasm for achieving their goal.

Jewellery for wellbeing earrings  Jewellery for wellbeing ring

Jewellery for life charm necklaces, bracelets and earrings

The actual designs of our necklaces, bracelets and earrings are based on the principles of faith and belief seen along El Camino . . the belief that goals really are achievable, whatever they are: It is jewellery with meaning. This is because the majority of this camino jewellery is based on jewellery from Santiago de Compostela in northern Spain (indeed, much of it actually comes from there!) Furthermore, every piece of the jewellery in our  SHOP  is available with an information card about its symbolism.

Caminos jewellery  Latin cross necklace with scallop

Many Camino travellers have a strong Christian faith and our jewellery reflects that. But, in recent decades, that Christian faith, once so common amongst Camino walkers, has given way somewhat to a more secular approach: Nowadays, people choose to do a Camino as much for personal reasons, as for any religious reason: They decide to take time out of their busy modern lives and look for something a bit different, in the hope perhaps, of finding inspiration or spiritual enlightenment as they journey along: They are able to reflect on their life whilst in the supportive environment of their Camino . . many wanting to improve their outlook on life and bring themselves closer into contact with nature whilst expanding their cultural horizons through contact with other walkers.

Camino memento necklace  Symbolic cross necklace

In the Middle Ages on the Camino de Santiago, Christian pilgrims carried talismans (as they do now) for safety and good fortune along the way. Typical in this respect, was a small cross confirming their faith - and their hope of success. And when the pilgrims returned to their home towns, they proudly displayed a talisman on their clothes or hat, given to them in Santiago de Compostela (and in the great Cathedral therein) to show that they had reached their goal. For centuries it has been the concha Scallop Shell symbol that was given to these pilgrims because it was (and is) typically (and uniquely for travellers in those days) found on the Galician sea coast to the north of Santiago. After their epic journey, many continued to wear the shell as a souvenir of their (often arduous) journey.

Shell and pearl necklace  Camino shell earrings 

Today, it is more common to simply purchase a piece of Camino jewellery such as a simple Camino necklace or bracelet that features the scallop shell, or to gift it to someone.

Santiago is the local Galician translation of the Latin 'Sanctu Iacobu' (Saint James) and the cross of St. James or San Jaime is seen on many souvenirs, as well as on locally-crafted silver and gold jewellery. Millions of people wear Camino jewellery such as the Cross or the Shell to help promote strength, courage and hope. Camino jewellery is worn as a symbol of faith and achievement.

St James cross necklace  Angel necklace with heart 

Jewellery for life charms

The concha shell charm has great significance in jewellery: It symbolises strength, commitment and determination. In this sense, it has special meaning to millions of people, and is commonly used by individuals to help them feel more confident about themselves.

Camino road sign  Traveller on pilgrimage 

The Saint James cross charm, according to many Spaniards, “es un símbolo que favorece el coraje y la esperanza ante las dificultades” [a symbol that favours courage and hope in the face of difficulties] . . promoting both faith and good fortune, as well as strength and hope.

These are the two main symbols used as life charms on Camino jewellery. The others are: The Waymarker symbol and the Yellow Arrow - both of which are deployed as directional indicators along "The Way".

All of these charm symbols are available on our jewellery.

Regalo Camino  Camino inspired necklace 

So this Camino jewellery is symbolic jewellery that has real meaning to the wearer: The principle is that it gives the owner more confidence because it is jewellery which relates to something tangible and something that they believe in.

Lady traveller  Tau cross on scallop necklace 

Talismanic jewellery like this (where the necklace, earring, bracelet or ring is shaped or embellished with one of these ancient symbols) is very popular these days in everyday life and not just worn by people who have travelled (or hope to travel in the future) along El Camino de Santiago / The Way of St James itself: It is jewellery with meaning in the modern-day as we journey though life with its tussles, contentions, struggles and challenges.

The Camino Jewellery for Life in our  SHOP  is inspirational jewellery for everyone.